March 6, 2025


The Peoria County ARES net will meet on the first and second Wednesday nights of each month at 7:00 PM local time.  The net will take place on the PAARC 147.075 and 147.850 repeaters unless other arrangements are made to use another local repeater.  It may also be possible to join the Net using Echolink or AllStar.


The Wednesday night Peoria County ARES Net will use the following script.

Once you have determined the frequency is open and not in use:

Good evening, my name is (Your Name) and my call sign is (Your Call Sign).  I will be conducting the Peoria County ARES net tonight.  This net meets on the first and second Wednesday nights of each month at 7:00 PM on W9UVI and K9PEO, linked repeaters of the Peoria Area Amateur Radio Club.  The W9UVI 075 repeater has an output frequency of 147.075 MHz and an input frequency of 147.675 MHz and uses a 156.7 hz CTCSS tone, while the K9PEO 85 repeater has an output frequency of 146.850 MHz and an input frequency of 146.250 MHz and uses a 103.5 hz tone.  Additionally, these repeaters can be accessed via Echolink on Node 706480 and via Allstar on Node 61516.

If this was an emergency and your help was needed by a served agency, members of the Peoria County ARES would be contacted by text, phone or email and would be directed to monitor the PAARC repeaters for additional instructions.

This net is a directed net and is open to any amateur radio operator that has 2 meter privileges.  Before we do general check ins, I would like to ask if there are any emergency or priority traffic and take that traffic first.

If there is no emergency or priority traffic, proceed to take check-ins:

Hearing none, I would ask that as you check in, please state your call sign clearly and use phonetics if needed.

Once check ins are completed, ask for any announcements or events that may be happening in the future:

Are there any announcements or upcoming events?

Close the net:

Thanks for all the check ins tonight.  Now I will return the repeaters to regular amateur use, 73.

ARES Net Check-in – Blank Form


ARES HF Digital Net: 2nd Sunday, 5:00 pm local. 3.590 USB Olivia 16/500
ARES HF Phone Net: 1st & 3rd Sunday, 4:30 pm local, 3.905 LSB
IL HF Sideband Net: Daily, 6:00 pm local, 3.905 LSB